Excerpts from a Tête-à-Tête with our Founder & Principal Architect, Surbhi Gite.

My chief takeaway was definitely the wondrous thought of experiential spaces. Just the idea that I will work toward creating evocative spaces thrills me to this moment.

They have been my guiding light and big influence on how I perceive Design today. I also greatly admire Architect Renzo Piano for bold design details and Zaha Hadid for her vision and futuristic, brave designs.
My intuition and my desire to see beyond existing dimensions. I depend on my intuition and my gut when it comes to design decisions. I believe “everything you can imagine is real”. So, if my instinct draws an idea, however unconventional the thought is, I put it into execution. I try to look at materials in a different light and utilize them in ways unattempted. My design approach is decidedly bold & daring.
The single most motivating thought in my head is that I wish to make great design accessible to the layman without it becoming overwhelming. I wish to create spaces that tell a story no doubt, but also where the occupants feel most themselves, most comfortable. At no point should they look at a design element and feel no, this isn’t me.
Of course, I’m sure my personality plays a large part in my design process. Since childhood, I was impressed with interesting design. I’m also an organized person and that shows in my work ethic today. Yet, I love spontaneity and surprises and that’s more visible in the final product. I style my projects by myself and am hands on all stages of design at the firm.